Village Hall

105 W. Tower Street
Wheeler, WI 54772-0016

Utility Payments

Office Hours

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
Wednesday: 11:00 am – 7:00 pm
Closed Weekends & Holidays

Office Schedule

  • Starting in November 2024 our drop box for payments will be on the North side of the building.
  • As of January 1, 2025, the Village of Wheeler Policy for water line maintenance is: The Village of Wheeler is responsible up to the curb stop and routine inspection replacement of water meters by appointment. Any leaks, frozen lines or frozen meters is the responsibility of the property owner and a licensed plumber. any frozen/damaged meters are to be returned to the village hall by the licensed plumber for exchange, and the new meter will be billed to the utility customer.

Note the Village Hall may be closed for short periods of time during regular hours for: Mail Pickup/Banking/Training/Meetings, etc. We will try our best to limit these interruptions. For longer periods (vacations, etc.) we will post a weekly calendar. Thank you for understanding!